Text Prompt
Welcome to A.I. Week. The concept of artificial intelligence (A.I.), as we think of it today, was conceived by

“Turing machine, imitation game, turing test, blade runner scene, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
Alan Turing, in the earliest major work in the field of A.I.,

“Alan Turing father of artificial intelligence, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
“Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” published in 1950.

“Alan Turing and a computing machine that had limitless memory, stored information as symbols, could scan these symbols and create new ones based on a core set of instructions; an iterative process would allow the computing machine to improve its own program, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
Turing described a computing machine that had limitless memory, stored information as symbols,

“Alan Turing building a computing robot that had limitless memory, stored information as symbols, could scan these symbols and create new ones based on a core set of instructions; an iterative process would allow the computing machine to improve its own program, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
could scan these symbols, and create new ones based on a core set of instructions.

“Alan Turing building a computing robot that had limitless memory, stored information as symbols, could scan these symbols and create new ones based on a core set of instructions; an iterative process would allow the computing machine to improve its own program, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
This iterative process would allow the computing machine to improve its own program.

“Turing machine, imitation game, turing test, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
This concept of computing machine became known as the Turing Machine.

“Alan Turing with a computing robot that had limitless memory, stored information as symbols, could scan these symbols and create new ones based on a core set of instructions; an iterative process would allow the computing machine to improve its own program, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
Turing suggested testing these type of computer machines

“blade runner interview scene, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
to see if or when they could pass as human.

“Turing machine, imitation game, turing test, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
The test was called The Imitation Game, though now it is most commonly known as the Turing Test.

“harrison ford and sean young in blade runner interview scene, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
Though Turing is credited with first conceiving artificial intelligence, the term artificial intelligence was actually coined by

“Alan Turing and a computing robot that had limitless memory, stored information as symbols, could scan these symbols and create new ones based on a core set of instructions; an iterative process would allow the computing machine to improve its own program, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
John McCarthy at a conference at Dartmouth College in 1956. And, McCarthy

“John McCathy the father of the artificial intelligence field, and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
along with MIT's Marvin Minsky, are considered among the founding fathers of the artificial intelligence field.

“Marvin Minksy the father of the artificial intelligence field, and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
In 1959, Minsky and McCarthy co-founded the Artificial Intelligence Project, which is

“John McCathy and MIT’s Marvin Minksy the fathers of the artificial intelligence field, co-founded the Artificial Intelligence Project which is now the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
now the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

“the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
There can be a bit of confusion when broaching the topic of artificial intelligence because the term is often misused.

“There can be a bit of confusion when broaching the topic of artificial intelligence because the term is often misused., cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
When you do a Google or YouTube search regarding AI, you can find experts using A.I. as an umbrella term that includes other intelligent technologies

“When you do a Google or YouTube search regarding AI you can find experts using AI as an umbrella term that includes other intelligence technology like machine learning or natural language processing, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
like machine learning on natural language processing.

“When you do a Google or YouTube search regarding AI you can find experts using AI as an umbrella term that includes other intelligence technology like machine learning or natural language processing, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
However, other experts use the term to mean a computer based system that can process various types of data,

“However, other experts use the term to mean a computer based system that can process various data types, analyze them, and synthesize unique interpretations and applications of the data that are not restricted to predetermined categories, in other words, an artificial intelligence that can actually think like a human, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
analyze them, and synthesize unique interpretations and applications of the data that are not restricted to predetermined categories.

However, other experts use the term to mean a computer based system that can process various data types, analyze them, and synthesize unique interpretations and applications of the data that are not restricted to predetermined categories, in other words, an artificial intelligence that can actually think like a human, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
In other words, an artificial intelligence that can actually think like a human. Why the discrepancy and confusion?

“Why the discrepancy and confusion? Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as AI because that is the hottest, most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as A.I. because they're the hottest,

“Why the discrepancy and confusion? Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as AI because that is the hottest, most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields.

“for this course AI is just about everything the marketers and the web claim it is Why the discrepancy and confusion? Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as AI because that is the hottest, most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
And while there are a lot of products marketed as A.I. Technology, there really aren't many or maybe any true A.I. products out there

“for this course AI is just about everything the marketers and the web claim it is Why the discrepancy and confusion? Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as AI because that is the hottest, most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
that match the technical definition of AI, a computer system that thinks and can react like a human,

“Why the discrepancy and confusion? Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as AI because that is the hottest, most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
but at least none that are publicly available or knowledge. So let's think of it this way.

“for this course AI is just about everything the marketers and the web claim it is Why the discrepancy and confusion? Marketing! Every person or company out there wants to label their product as AI because that is the hottest, most marketable feature in the technology and computing fields, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
For this course, A.I. is just about everything the marketers and the Web claim it is. And, then there's

“for this course AI is just about everything the marketers and the web claim it is, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
true A.I., and you can think of that as actually the authentic A.I..

“AI, for our purposes, is any technology that takes user input, interprets that input, and outputs a productive result., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
This definition of A.I. was the main purpose of this week's pretest, because

“lifelong learning taught by an Artificial intelligence hologram cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
even the materials we curated for this week don't agree on what the term A.I. encompasses. And, we hope this framing eliminates

“for this course AI is just about everything the marketers and the web claim it is, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
some of the confusion surrounding A.I.. Taking all that in consideration, the question is

“for this course AI is just about everything the marketers and the web claim it is, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
“What is A.I.?” A.I. for our purposes is any technology that takes user input,

“AI, for our purposes, is any technology that takes user input, interprets that input, and outputs a productive result., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
interpret that input, and outputs a productive result. So, what does that include? Well, we're not talking about

“AI, for our purposes, is any technology that takes user input, interprets that input, and outputs a productive result., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
calculators. No interpretation taking place there, but we are talking about voice recognition software,

“for this course AI is any technology that takes user input, interprets that input, and outputs a productive result., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
predictive text, autocorrect, Alexa, Siri, and so much more. There's one major problem

“for this course AI is any technology that takes user input, interprets that input, and outputs a productive result., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
with studying A.I. in education, Access! Though the number of educational A.I. platforms

“for this course AI is any technology that takes user input, interprets that input, and outputs a productive result., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
continue to increase, the type of A.I. being used requires very large datasets and a lot of processing power

“Educational AI products are enterprise level solutions that live behind pay-walls., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
to provide the necessary predictive analysis to assist in the learning process.

“Educational AI products live behind pay-walls., no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art
Educational A.I. products are enterprise level solution that live behind paywalls. So

“Artificial Intelligence living behind paywalls with bricks, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
for this course, we have curated a collection of articles and videos that explore the current state of A.I. in education and its promises for education's future.

“the current state of AI in education and its promises for education's future, no text included, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
But, just reading and watching would make for a very boring week 11. With that in mind, there are many

“the current state of AI in education and its promises for education's future, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
A.I. tools for content creation that are free or at least have free trials. These tools

“AI tools for content creation, explore some of these tools, efficient Instructional Design, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
leverage A.I. in the form of machine learning to help you create all types of content.

“AI tools for content creation, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
We will explore some of these tools this week, and this week's activity will involve experimenting with an A.I. tool and reflecting on that experience.

“AI tools for content creation, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
We really think that this exploration does more than just make the week more interesting.

“the current state of AI in education and its promises for education's future, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
These tools can help us be more efficient instructional designers by helping each of us with

“AI and We hope you find this week both enjoyable and informative, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
the areas of design that currently aren't in our wheelhouse.

“AI tools for content creation, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
We hope you find this week both enjoyable and informative. Before I go,

“AI robots being enjoyable and informative, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
a few details about this presentation. All the images you saw generated using

“AI robots being enjoyable and informative, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
Dall-E 2, which is an AI platform that generates images from text prompts.

“AI robots being enjoyable and informative, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
The avatar I'm using was downloaded from a digital puppet and imported into Adobe's character animator,

“A journey of lifelong learning about dyson spheres from an ethereal hologram projected in the center of the room, digital art”
which uses A.I. to listen to me and also track my mouth and eyes to automatically animate the avatar.

“lifelong learning taught by an ethereal Artificial intelligence hologram cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
The music was created by the A.I. platform AIVA. And, then I took that 2 minute and 34 second track and

“AI both enjoyable and informative, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
used Adobe Audition’s AI powered remix feature to automatically change the length of that track

“AI both enjoyable and informative, no text, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”
so that it would end right now.

“Turing machine, imitation game, turing test, blade runner scene, cyberpunk aesthetic, digital art”